While we are confident we will be able to help most patients within their first two fully stimulated IVF cycles, there will always be a percentage of cases that may take longer than anticipated to achieve success.
At City Fertility we want to maximise your chances of achieving your dream of having a baby and therefore now offer a significantly reduced up-front fee for repeated Medicare eligible treatment cycles.
The discount applies for any City Fertility patient from their third IVF cycle onwards, regardless of when they had their previous cycles at City Fertility, up until a time that they have had a baby. Please note: This offer is not available at the following sites: Notting Hill, Toowoomba and Perth clinics.
At City Fertility our goal is always to provide the highest standard of individualised care through state-of-the-art technology and advanced medical treatment to help you achieve your dream of having a baby in the shortest time possible.
But we understand that each patient is unique and there are so many personal and medical factors that influence success including age, lifestyle factors and medical conditions.
Tailoring your treatment plan specifically to your needs is our speciality and if success is not immediately achieved, we will continually review the best treatment path for you.
City Fertility also has a range of payment plan options to suit a variety of patient situations.
We offer the following payment plan options for IVF cycles. They are available for City Fertility fees but cannot be used to pay for external provider fees such as hospital, anaesthetist, pharmacy and specialist fees.
The payment options available to choose from include:
- No up-front payment plan: A flexible payment plan that allows patients to commence their IVF cycle and delay payment until the day that egg collection takes place. Medicare, rebates are usually paid within 3-5 business days.
- Instalment payment plan: Allows you to pay a designated amount on or prior to the first day of commencing your cycle. The balance of your fees is payable on the day of egg collection.
- Financial payment plans: A payment method available via MacCredit – a broker that provides credit assistance and payment plan options tailored to suit your needs. They specialise in offering suitable, flexible payment plans for various medical treatments.
- Accessing superannuation: A payment method available via external providers SuperCare and Access My Super, and based on an Australian Government initiative to assist individuals and their families to access their superannuation to cover medical costs.
- Full up-front payment: The full City Fertility fee is paid up-front on or prior to the first day of your cycle commencing. This payment option is available for all cycle types and procedures. However, the first day that an online claim can be submitted to Medicare is on the day of egg collection.
So if your IVF journey is taking longer than expected or you need to discuss our range of flexible payment options, call us today on 1300 354 354 to discuss how we can help you.