Proudly part of the City Fertility Network
Available now in both the App Store and on Google Play Store, this free mobile app simplifies the process of selecting a sperm donor by making it a unique and personalised experience.
From the Addam Donor Bank app, you’ll get access to one of Australia’s largest sperm donor database, with a diverse range of donors from a variety of ethnicities and backgrounds.
Please note: This video may not be copied or used, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of City Fertility © 2020.
There are many benefits of using a clinic-recruited sperm donor recruited through City Fertility. These benefits include: knowing that the donor has undertaken counselling and understands the implications and legalities of being a donor, including no legal rights to the child; that the quality of the sperm has been checked; that thorough medical screenings has been completed to exclude any transmittable or genetic diseases; a three-month quarantine period for the sperm donation is enforced which is followed by a further medical screening of the donor; and a limit is placed on the number of offspring that result from each donor.
Choosing to use donated sperm is a life-changing decision and one that requires serious consideration and support. Our professional team of specialists can provide all the information you need to make an informed decision, and our nurse coordinators are available to discuss any questions you may have about the sperm donor process.
For more information please visit:, call 1300 023 326 or email