Donor programs for fertility treatment

Help others to achieve their dream of having a family of their own

Sperm, egg or embryo donation is truly a generous gift of life, and for many couples and individuals this is their only hope of fulfilling their dreams of having a family.

Although it may seem a fairly simple process, this decision of creating a family using a donor’s eggs, sperm or embryo will have a significant impact on everyone involved, including the recipient, the donor and the child who is born as a result of the donation.

Our dedicated team at City Fertility is here to provide you with guidance and support throughout the process, to enable you to make an informed decision best suited to you.

Select an option below to learn more about our donor programs.

test tube

Using donor sperm

We operate an active sperm donor program to assist individuals or couples in their attempt to become parents. Learn more about what is involved, treatment options available and what to expect.





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