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We are conveniently located in Newstead, in inner-city Brisbane and within walking distance from James Street. You can easily reach us by public transport (bus or train – Bowen Hills Station).
How to get there
We understand how important it is to be able to get somewhere without worrying about how to get there. We have this covered for you.
If using public transport:
- We are a short walk from James Street and the Bowen Hills train station.
- You can jump onto the City Glider bus service, which runs regularly, operating between the West-End and Newstead (Blue route). Just lookout for the distinctive blue buses.
If you’re driving:
Our Doggett St clinic falls within the Brisbane Central Traffic Area. In this zone, you are able to park for a total of two hours on streets without signs, unless there are parking meters or signs present indicating otherwise.
All on-street parking within the central traffic area is subject to the two-hour parking rule from 7 am-6 pm on weekdays and 7 am-12 pm on Saturday unless signage indicates otherwise.
For patients who are needing a suitable pick-up point, Doggett St has 15-minute free parking which is perfect for a quick and seamless transfer.
Also nearby
If you live on the south side of the river, you may prefer to visit us at our Brisbane Southside clinic at Sunnybank or even our Gold Coast branch at Robina.