Planning for pregnancy

Trying to conceive: what you need to know

Did you know that on average a healthy couple has – at best – a 20-25% chance of conceiving a baby naturally?

Many factors play a significant role in increasing the chance of conceiving a baby. These include:

  • Understanding the female menstrual cycle and your fertility window.
  • Understanding the impact of your health, diet and lifestyle on your fertility.

Before trying to fall pregnant and thinking about fertility treatment options, it’s essential that you take all of the above into consideration. In this section, we aim to provide you with all the necessary information to help you understand the factors that are important when trying to conceive.

Select an option below to get started.

Sperm and Egg


For a couple to conceive, a number of processes must take place successfully in both the man and the woman. We aim to provide you with basic information about the female and male reproductive systems.



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