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Increased Demand Drives Need for More Fertility Doctors

Demand for services at City Fertility Centre (CFC) has driven the Melbourne clinic’s recent expansion, which has led to the appointment of Dr Roshan Shamon at the organisation’s St…

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Laughter may Increase Chances of IVF Success

A recent study demonstrating that laughter can play a role in increasing IVF success is giving hope to many couples. The year-long study by Dr…

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City Fertility Welcomes Dr Andy Stamatiou

Increasing demand for fertility services has driven the expansion of City Fertility Centre (CFC) clinics recently, leading to the appointment of gynaecologist and obstetrician Dr Andy…

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New Doctor Joins CFC Sunnybank

Success and demand for fertility services have driven the expansion of City Fertility Centre (CFC) clinics recently, leading to the new appointment of Dr Andrew Ansari at…

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Importance of Sperm Donation

News clipping from The Advertiser of July 1, 2011 Australia’s newest IVF clinic, City Fertility Centre in Western Hospital, Henley Beach, opened last month with 10 potential…

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Why Become a Sperm Donor?

Many Australian couples desperate to have a baby are being turned away because of a lack of sperm donors. Sperm Donors Australia is seeking men from a…

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Secondary Infertility on the Rise

Women who have successfully conceived and given birth are questioning why it can be so difficult to have a second baby. Fertility specialist Dr Sharon Li,…

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Healthy Lifestyle Tips for Couples

For couples whose goal is to welcome a baby in 2011, one of the most important things they can do is lead a healthy lifestyle. City Fertility Centre medical director Dr Ashish Das says the…

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Plan Early for Becoming A Mum

News of celebrities who have decided to “go parenting alone’’ because they have been unable to find a suitable life partner has raised eyebrows recently.…

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Second Baby Never a Certainty

Women who have successfully conceived and given birth are questioning why it can be so difficult to have a second baby. Fertility specialist Dr Anne Poliness,…

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