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City Fertility Centre in Brisbane’s Southside

Word of mouth alone has kept City Fertility Centre clinicians busy since the Sunnybank clinic opened in early September after a million-dollar fitout. Fertility expert Dr…

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Pregnancy Rate Heats up at City Fertility Centres

October has seen the arrival of the first wave of babies conceived using City Fertility Centre’s new rapid-freezing embryo program. City Fertility Centre Scientific Director…

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Children of Dads Over 40 at Risk of Autism

Older men are far more likely to father autistic children, according to new research. A study involving more than 100,000 children found that those born…

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First Study to Investigate the Effect of Father’s Diet on Chromosomal Abnormalities

Researchers have found an association between a vitamin found in leafy green vegetables, fruit and pulses [1] and levels of chromosomal abnormalities in men’s sperm.…

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