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Dr Google Creating Added Stress

Dr Georgiana Tang, specialist at City Fertility Centre
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Students Gain Unique Insight Into IVF

CFC Brisbane Southside program manager Paul Diggles and laboratory manager Jaime Oswald with visiting students
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Female Biological Clock Runs out as Egg Repair Genes Wane

Source: www.bloomberg.com By Robert Langreth – Feb 14, 2013 Scientists have found a possible reason why women lose their fertility in middle age, in a discovery that could pave the…

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How Exercise can help you get Pregnant

Source: The Mirror UK: http://www.mirror.co.uk/lifestyle/health/how-exercise-can-help-you-1445760 By Miriam Stoppard I hardly dare go on, yet again, about the benefits of exercise. But this is a new one…

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Heavy Menstrual Bleeding and Fertility

By Dr Andrew Ansari, fertility specialist, City Fertility Centre. As many women delay pregnancy until later in life, they may encounter heavy menstrual bleeding while…

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Find out if you are Fertility Fit

We worry about our heart, bone and skin health, but do we worry enough about our fertility health? Dr Ashish Das, medical director of City Fertility…

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Fatty Diets may be Associated with Reduced Semen Quality

ScienceDaily (March 13, 2012) — Men’s diets, in particular the amount and type of different fats they eat, could be associated with their semen quality, according…

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More than Just IVF

By Dr Andrew Davidson, Fertility Specialist, City Fertility Centre (As featured in City News – Consult an Expert Column, January 2012) Would you believe that nearly 70 per cent of patients…

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New Hope for Men with Infertility Problems

Technological advances are providing fresh hope to men experiencing infertility problems. The good news is that technology has advanced to the stage where men who are faced with infertility,…

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AMH or “Egg Timer” Test Explained

Recent media reports have drawn considerable attention to the anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) or, as some dub it, “egg timer” test. City Fertility Centre’s clinics in Brisbane…

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