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Essentially, the human menstrual cycle is a pattern of changes that occur within the ovary and uterus for the purposes of reproduction. These changes involve a complex interaction of hormones that allow for follicles to mature and eggs to be released (ovulation) before hormones are produced to nourish an embryo should fertilisation have occurred. If fertilisation hasn’t occurred, the uterine lining is shed through menstruation.
Planning and starting a family is deeply personal, emotional and exciting. But sometimes it can be a stressful experience when your plans for a family are not going as expected, and days of significance that bring families together, like Fathers’ Day, can be tough.
Future dads, as you know, you’ve got an equally important role to play in achieving a healthy pregnancy, and your sperm needs to be just as healthy as women’s eggs to get the best chances of a pregnancy.
Knowing when the best time is to conceive each month is an important factor in helping achieve a successful pregnancy. Unfortunately, some patients miss getting this right which is delaying a positive outcome for them sooner rather than later.
Put simply, the timing of conception is critical to success, and by learning to understand your body’s menstrual cycle and the signs of ovulation, it may help you feel more in control.
Ovulation is when the egg is released from the ovary and is a female’s most fertile time of the month.
To all the men out there, listen up…you also play a crucial role in helping achieve a healthy pregnancy, so don’t just leave it to the women. The health of both the sperm and eggs are equally important to optimising your chances of pregnancy.
There are several lifestyle factors you can control that will help enhance your fertility, but take note, for sperm it takes approximately two and a half months to see if changes to your lifestyle have improved your sperm quality.
So what are the biggest factors you can focus on? Here are some of the top priorities I recommend.
While the pandemic has stopped the world and our lives spinning so fast, it has also given many people the time to take stock and check-in on where they are at and what their goals might be for the future.
As a fertility specialist in a national fertility clinic, one of the trends we have witnessed in Australia in the first six months of this year, is an increase in the number of single women enquiring about and undergoing IVF and IUI cycles to have a baby on their own or undergoing fertility preservation by freezing their eggs.
Falling pregnant is different for everyone, just like securing the perfect job, or finding the right partner, it seems many things in life, including conceiving, happen differently for everyone. We are all unique and statistically one in six couples will find it difficult to conceive.
If you feel you are struggling to conceive, there is hope and many options available to you. Here are a few tips on things to consider that may help you achieve your dream sooner rather than later.
Are you struggling to fall pregnant or to carry a pregnancy full term? If so, couples in NSW can take advantage of a government rebate to help them try to understand the cause of their fertility problem.
By City Fertility
Explore the current technologies we employ in our new City Fertility Sydney laboratory, including the latest generation of time-lapse incubators, and the cleanroom technologies to control temperature and air quality and ensure minimal disruption of eggs and embryos. Learn more.
By City Fertility
As we celebrate International Women’s Day (8 March) it is reassuring, for women of the 21st century to know that modern medicine continues to expand their fertility options for the future. Here we discuss the options available. Learn more.
By City Fertility
If you are trying to, or thinking of, falling pregnant, here are a few of the most important things you should do.