Using donor sperm

We have Australia’s largest range of donor sperm available.

At City Fertility, we are proud to offer Australia’s largest selection of donor sperm, helping individuals and couples achieve their dream of parenthood. We have a diverse array of donors from various ethnic backgrounds, available now.

Choosing to use donated sperm is a life-changing decision and one that requires serious consideration and support. Our fertility specialists and nurses will provide you with all the necessary information, guiding you during every step of the process.

To support you further, our dedicated fertility counsellors are available to help you understand the legalities and implications of using donor sperm, ensuring you feel confident and informed.

Donated sperm is required by couples and individuals for a number of reasons, including:

  • Heterosexual couples who cannot fall pregnant due to male infertility
  • Single people who wish to achieve pregnancy
  • Lesbian couples who wish to start a family.


Finding your ideal donor using Addam Donor Bank

If you are looking for donor sperm, you have come to the right place. City Fertility proudly runs Addam Donor Bank which is Australia’s leading donor sperm bank. We have the largest and most diverse range of donors for patients to choose from. Our innovative donor search app makes the donor search easy and convenient. 

You can download the app now on the App Store or Google Play Store.

For more information please visit:, call 1300 023 326 or email


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about using donor sperm

What are the types of donors?

Known donor

A known donor is someone with whom you have an existing relationship and who has agreed to donate their sperm. This could be a friend, relative or family member.    

Clinic-recruited donor

When a donor voluntarily donates their sperm to an unknown recipient, this is called a clinic recruited donation. Clinic recruited sperm donors have undertaken counselling and fully understand the legalities and implications of being a donor.  You can also rest assured knowing the quality of the sperm has been thoroughly checked. This includes medical screenings to exclude transmittable and genetic diseases, including a three-month quarantine for sperm donation. A limit is also placed on the offspring that can result from each donor.  

Clinic recruited sperm donors have undertaken counselling and fully understand the legalities and implications of being a donor.  You can also rest assured knowing the quality of the sperm has been thoroughly checked. This includes medical screenings to exclude transmittable and genetic diseases, including a three-month quarantine for sperm donation. A limit is also placed on the offspring that result from each donor.  

Who can donate sperm?

Individuals of all shapes, sizes and backgrounds are welcome to become sperm donors if they meet these criteria:

  • Aged 18-45.
  • Healthy with no history of genetic disease. Donors will not be accepted if they suffer from an illness, disease or inherited condition that can be passed on to a child conceived from their donation.
  • Low risk for sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS.
  • Able to provide a family medical history.
  • If married or in a de facto relationship, the partner must consent to the donation.
  • Clinic-recruited donors must have a permanent address and be contactable for follow-up tests. They must be able to provide three identifiers and proof of permanent address (driver’s license, photo ID and passport).
  • A lifestyle declaration must be signed.

Clinic-recruited sperm donors with a student, working holiday or temporary working visas will not be accepted to the program. Donors with temporary resident visas may be accepted to the program if they meet the above requirements

What are the treatment options available for people using donor sperm?

Donor Insemination (DI)

Donor  Insemination using donated sperm  is a fertility procedure in which treated sperm is inserted into a recipient’s  uterus directly, to increase the possibility of conceiving

Donor insemination involves the use of frozen sperm from a donor. The method of artificial insemination most commonly used is Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI).


In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)

In Vitro Fertilisation  involves the fertilisation of the egg by the donated sperm in an incubator outside the body, before the embryo is transferred back into the recipient’s uterus.

Your specialist will discuss your IVF treatment cycle with you. The treatment type usually depends on an individual’s medical history,  age, diagnosis and other related fertility factors.

What is the quarantine period for donor sperm?

A three month quarantine period applies to all clinic recruited sperm donors.

All sperm donors are tested for infectious diseases before donations commence. It is compulsory that the donated sperm from a known donor is stored for a quarantine period of three months before release for use by the recipient.

At the end of the quarantine period, all sperm donors are rechecked for the following transmissible viruses:

  • HIV
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis C.
  • Syphilis
  • HTLV 1+2
  • CMV
  • Gonorrhoea
  • Chlamydia

What are some questions for consideration with donor sperm?

These questions may be helpful to you when deciding if you wish to proceed:

  • If you are in a relationship, what are your feelings about creating a family where only one partner will be a genetic parent?
  • How do you feel about parenting a child with whom you have no genetic link (if both donors, egg and sperm, are used)?
  • What are your feelings about being a single parent if you are undergoing treatment on your own?
  • If you are in a relationship, do both partners agree to use donated sperm?
  • How do you feel about the loss of fertility – has there been enough time to go through the grieving process?
  • What if the treatment outcome is unsuccessful? What impact will it have on you (and your partner if applicable)?
  • What about the possible offspring – do they have the right to know? What if they wish to contact the donor?
  • Who needs to know about this (family, friends, work, etc.)?

What are the legal implications of donor sperm?

City Fertility encourages all individuals/couples to seek independent legal advice before attending the donor program. Please visit our Legalities and Requirements page for more information.



What is the process of using donor sperm?

*The order of these steps/requirements may vary depending on your circumstances.



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