Understanding the reproductive system

Understanding female and male reproduction

For a couple to conceive, both the male and female reproductive systems must be functioning properly.

In the female this means:

  • Ovulation occurs and leads to the production of a viable egg.
  • The fallopian tubes are open and functioning properly to allow the egg and sperm to meet.
  • The fertilised egg is able to move into the uterus and is not blocked from implanting in the wall.
  • The sperm are able to travel through the woman’s vagina, cervix, uterus and fallopian tubes without being blocked in their attempt to find the egg.

In the male this means:

  • The testes produce viable, or normal, sperm as well as testosterone, the male hormone.
  • The ability to achieve an erection and engage in sexual intercourse.
  • Normal ejaculation occurs, with semen going through the man’s urethra into the vagina.
  • The sperm that are produced are properly shaped, able to move rapidly, and can accurately move to the fallopian tubes to find and fertilise the egg.

In this section, we aim to provide you with basic information to help you gain an understanding of the female and male reproductive systems.

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female symbol

Female reproduction

Explore the female reproductive system and gain an understanding of how its organs work. The system includes the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus and vagina.



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