IVF treatment to recommence across Australia

IVF treatment to recommence across Australia

City Fertility is pleased to advise the Federal Government has announced the temporary ban on some elective surgery, including IVF treatment, due to COVID-19 restrictions has been lifted in all states.

The Prime Minister, Scott Morrison said the decision was made as a result of Australia’s success in flattening the curve, low rates of COVID related hospitalisation and new data on stocks of personal protective equipment (PPE).

This means that as of Tuesday 28 April, City Fertility will recommence fertility and IVF treatments in accordance with the necessary COVID-19 social-distancing and safety measures.

Responding to this news, Dr Devora Lieberman, Clinical Director at City Fertility Sydney CBD, said, she was certain the announcement was a great relief for many IVF patients who will now have certainty about resuming fertility and IVF treatments to help them try and achieve a much-wanted pregnancy.

While for City Fertility patients, like Ashley Markou, this announcement has come as welcome news. “To know that I can recommence IVF is a huge relief and so exciting in a world where there is so much turmoil. It provides some hope again that I can regain some control over my life and my fertility,” Mrs Markou said.

At City Fertility, we are keen to get back to a ‘new normal’ and to continue delivering the very best in personalised fertility services.

In the meantime, we have answered some of the most common questions asked about the recommencement of IVF services at City Fertility below.

Which fertility treatments can recommence?

All fertility treatment can recommence as of Tuesday 28 April 2020.

What safety measures do you have in place?

The safety and well-being of our patients and staff continues to be our main priority and we have and continue to, respond appropriately to address this. City Fertility’s protocols in place to mitigate unnecessary risk include (and are not limited to):

  • All visitors and staff are screened and have temperature monitoring prior to entering clinics;
  • All staff, patients and visitors to the clinics are required to use hand sanitiser on entering the clinic, before and after contact with patients;
  • The implementation of social distancing measures wherever possible, except when carrying out essential medical procedures;
  • Ensuring staff maintain high-infection control protocols including the thorough daily cleaning of all high-touch areas with high-grade disinfectant, including reception surfaces, door handles, and treatment areas.

City Fertility respectfully requests any patient who is feeling unwell to refrain from visiting our clinics until seeking medical advice. We kindly request you delay any face-to-face fertility appointments and/or treatment should you have:

  • any active flu-like symptoms;
  • had direct contact diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past 14 days; or
  • are self-isolating or being tested for COVID-19.

Why was a temporary ban placed on IVF treatments?

The temporary ban was placed on all elective surgery (Cat 3 and some Cat 2) due to advice from the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) who advised the Federal Government, that it was concerned the national supply of critical personal protective equipment (PPE) would be depleted unless resources were prioritised. Furthermore, there was a need to reduce person-to-person transmission through distancing and isolation. The AHPPC, therefore, recommended the cancellation of all non-urgent elective procedures in both the public and private sectors: only Category 1 and some exceptional Category 2 surgery were able to proceed. The flattening of the curve and PPE now available is the reason for lifting this ban.

Are pregnant women at increased risk of developing severe disease/complications from COVID-19?

According to the Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG, 29 March 2020),  at this time, pregnant women do not appear to be more severely unwell if they develop COVID-19 infection than the general population, however, pregnant women should be considered a vulnerable or at-risk group. It is expected that the large majority of pregnant women will experience only mild or moderate cold/flu-like symptoms. However, detailed information regarding the impact of COVID-19 infection on pregnant women and their babies is limited due to the new nature of the disease.

To view the RANZCOG guidelines for pregnant women, please visit: www.ranzcog.edu.au/statements-guidelines/covid-19-statement for more detailed information and or speak with your treating clinician about your personal circumstances.

You may also find the Guidance from the Fertility Society of Australia here: www.fertilitysociety.com.au/home/fsa-statement-covid-19/


We hope this news is encouraging for you and look forward to working with you once again on your journey towards parenthood.

If you have any questions or would simply like to speak to someone, please contact our Fertility Advice Team on 1300 354 354.



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