Dan and Steph Mulheron, My Kitchen Rules (MKR) 2013 winners and City Fertility Centre (CFC) patients, have announced the birth of their first child, Emmy – a baby girl.
The couple said Emmy Mae Mulheron, born on April 23 at 12.30pm weighing 4.4kg (and 52cm long), was doing well and made their “hearts melt every second of the day”.
Dan and Steph’s doctor, CFC fertility specialist Dr Julie Lindstrom, said she was particularly proud of the couple after their challenging journey to pregnancy.
“Like many couples, pregnancy didn’t come easily for Dan and Steph but they now have a bouncing baby girl, which is a delightful outcome,” Dr Lindstrom said.
Dan and Steph, together for nine years, married in 2009 and tried for several years to have a baby – without success.
Steph said after they won MKR they took time out and then thought they would try IVF again, choosing CFC in Brisbane. Steph fell pregnant last year.
“We are so excited about becoming parents at last,” Steph said.
“We can’t believe the luck that we have had in recent years, but don’t get me wrong, we have worked so hard to get there – 14- to 16-hour days for six months filming MKR, going through IVF and 12-hour days running our restaurant, then home to complete cookbooks and other commitments.
“Our belief is when you really want something, if you work hard it might just happen so give it your best shot.”
Special Moments with Emmy Mae