Show your fertility some love

Show your fertility some love


10 tips to get fertility fit

We care about our heart health, bone health and skin health but do we care enough about our fertility health?

For those who are lucky enough, having a baby is one of the most significant things people will do in their lives, but most take it for granted that it will happen easily when they are ready.

The fact is, that one in six women have trouble falling pregnant.

Fertility issues can be caused by a variety of factors including increasing maternal age, lifestyle, environmental factors and medical conditions among others.

Here are some tips to show your fertility some love:

1. Maintain a healthy weight

Eat a healthy balanced diet with adequate protein, carbohydrate and fibre. Aim to undertake at least half an hour of moderate-intensity physical activity on most days.

2. Restrict caffeine intake

We recommend no more than 1-2 cups of caffeinated beverages per day while you are trying to conceive.

3. Restrict alcohol intake

Alcohol consumption  can increase the risk of miscarriage

4. Stop smoking and any drug use

Smoking is one of the biggest lifestyle factors that can negatively affect fertility. It is not advisable to use any form of recreational drug when trying to conceive or after conception.

5. Reduce stress

Get plenty of rest and relaxation and combat stress wherever possible. A degree of stress in your life is inevitable, but how you deal with it is a choice.

6. Avoid lubricants

Lubricants can affect sperm quality and should be avoided if you are trying to conceive.

7. Take folic acid

For the three months prior to and for the first three months of pregnancy, take a folic acid supplement (females only).

8. Check your medications/supplements

Review the intake of your medications/supplements with your doctor.

9. Immunisation and general health screening

Befor you start trying to conceive a baby it is recommended that you visit your GP for an antenatal screen and immunisation check.

10. Reduce exposure to toxins

We are faced with a myriad of environmental toxins on a daily basis. If you work with or around toxins, you need to be using protective face masks, etc.


Take the first step towards parenthood, get a fertility health check. Book an appointment today.

Phone: 1300 354 354


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