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Intracytoplasmic Sperm InjectionTesticular biopsy, aspiration and sperm extractionBlastocyst embryo transfer for IVF treatmentEmbryoGen and BlastGen culture mediaIVF with laser-assisted hatchingEmbryo transfer mediaGenetic testing[DRAFTING PAGE] IVF TreatmentFertility preservationSperm freezing and storage for fertility treatmentsSperm freezing for cancer patientsEgg freezingEgg freezing for cancer patientsDonor programsDonor SpermUsing eggs from an egg donorThe World Egg and Sperm BankGenesis International Egg and Sperm CentreManor BabyUsing donor embryos for fertility treatmentDonating spermDonating eggsDonating embryosSingle womenLesbian couplesSurrogacyLegalitiesInfertility support servicesCoping with infertilityCounselling services for IVF patientsDietitian Services For a Healthy PregnancyComplementary IVF TherapiesAdjuvant Therapies for IVFInternational patientsPricing for international patientsInternational patient's FAQsPricingFertility Treatment & IVF CostsMedicare rebate for IVF treatmentsPrivate Health Insurance for Fertility TreatmentAbout usAbout City FertilityAccreditationsHow we Compare with Other Fertility ClinicsPartnership with CHA Medical GroupIgnite Athlete ProgramCity Fertility's Sustainability ProgramWhat's newAcknowledgement of CountryBrisbane CityCurrent ResearchBrisbane SouthsideGold CoastMelbourne - St KildaMelbourne - BundooraCareer opportunitiesContact UsSpecialists by locationBrisbane Southside Fertility Clinic - Contact UsGold Coast Fertility Clinic - Contact UsMelbourne CityMelbourne BundooraContact Our Brisbane City Fertility ClinicSydney LiverpoolSydney MirandaSydney CBDToowoombaLismoreMelbourne Notting Hill IVF and Fertility ClinicPerth ApplecrossPerth Claremont IVF and Fertility ClinicGold Coast Southport Fertility Clinic - Contact UsSydney Gregory HillsMelbourne WerribeeBrisbane CitySydney NewtownSydney BowralBook an AppointmentRequest an AppointmentYour feedbackMedia enquiriesContact usCity Fertility Clinic LocationsFertility Benefits Program for WorkStaffEarly Fertility TreatmentsIVF TreamentShort CodesIVF Success RatesSeminar BookingPrivacy Collection StatementTerms and ConditionsWhat to consider when choosing a Fertility ClinicContact City Fertility CentreStart Your Journey to ParenthoodTTC: Common Questions AnsweredWe Are RealCFC Animated GifsLanding Page - Springfield CampaignPatient Medication InformationRedirecting to your ebook guidePatient Information Pack BooksPatient Information PackAbout Our Fertility ClinicsStarting Your Fertility Journey with Dr David WilkinsonStarting Your Fertility Journey with Dr Pooi LengPayment optionsFlexible payment plans for IVF treatment with humm90Pathology screening tests when undergoing treatment using donor gametesFrequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - when undergoing treatment using donor gametesHealth and Safety Policy StatementLifetime memoriesLifetime memories BOYSPayment Plans2019-2020 Xmas Campaign (Dec 2019)Dandelion - Make a Wish New Year 2020 CampaignMaking motherhood possible for youChinese New Year CampaignA Global Leader in Fertility and IVFSave $1,000 on your IVF cycleTerms & ConditionsCoronavirus precautionsWe have spermDr NatashaDr Michael CooperWe treat KateWe treat MichaelGet StartedThis Lunar New Year, let's make it happenFree MasterClass: Female Infertility presented by Dr Lisa HarrisFree MasterClass: Female Infertility presented by Dr Lisa HarrisOpen DisclosureCity Fertility Refund PolicyExclusive Offer: Swimming Australia CommunityReal People, Real Fertility CareTerms and Conditions: Swimming AustraliaFind a Fertility ClinicTerms and Conditions: Free Fertility Assesstment AppointmentReal People, Real Fertility CareGrow Your FamilyDiscover MoreJoin Us At Our Information SessionGrow Your FamilyLearn MorePay OnlineFree Fertility Info EveningFree Fertility Health ConsultationsBook a GP TestBundoora IVF & Fertility ClinicGregory Hills IVF & Fertility ClinicGold Coast IVF & Fertility ClinicFree Fertility Health CheckFree Fertility Health CheckGet Started with HIFFertility Society of Australia - COVID-19 informationEssential Travel for Medical Appointments into QueenslandFertility treatment for single womenMeet Our Team of SpecialistsMeet Our Endocrinologists & Geneticists SpecialistsMeet Our GP SpecialistsMeet Our Fertility SpecialistsBrisbane City Fertility SpecialistsMeet Our Brisbane Southside Fertility SpecialistsMeet Our Gold Coast Fertility SpecialistsMeet Our Melbourne Fertility SpecialistsMeet Our ScientistsMeet Our Fertility NursesMeet Our CounsellorsMeet Our Patient Services TeamMeet Our Management TeamPostsFirst Study to Investigate the Effect of Father’s Diet on Chromosomal AbnormalitiesChildren of Dads Over 40 at Risk of AutismPregnancy Rate Heats up at City Fertility CentresCity Fertility Centre in Brisbane’s SouthsideHealthy Lifestyle Important for Fertility SuccessRapid Freezing Increases IVF Success RatesThe Key to Optimising IVF Success RatesAMH or “Egg Timer” Test ExplainedNew Hope for Men with Infertility ProblemsIVF Centre Restructures PaymentsRapid Freezing Improves IVF ResultsFirst Baby for City Fertility SunnybankJoin the CelebrationsOne Year of Helping Create Little MiraclesFertility Investigations Important Before IVFFree Fertility Advice at RobinaMore than Just IVFFatty Diets may be Associated with Reduced Semen QualityFertility Services in Melbourne's Northern SuburbsCFC Melbourne Welcomes Dr Vadim MirmilsteinFree Fertility Advice at Marion WestfieldFind out if you are Fertility FitHeavy Menstrual Bleeding and FertilityWorld's number of IVF and ICSI Babies Reaches 5 millionOne Year of Helping Create Little Miracles like FraserFive or More Cups of Coffee a Day Reduce the Chance of IVF SuccessImproved IVF DrugDo You Know What Impacts on Your Fertility?Fertility Information Stand at CarindaleSeverely Obese Women Attempting IVF May Have Lower Egg QualityDemand for Fertility Group's Services Still StrongMeet Baby 1000 for a Brisbane IVF ClinicSix Years of Creating Family JoyCity Fertility Welcomes Dr Simone CampbellFreezing all Embryos may Improve OutcomeHow Exercise can help you get PregnantFemale Biological Clock Runs out as Egg Repair Genes WaneCity Fertility opens new Embryo-Screening LaboratoryIVF Pioneer Robert Edwards Dies Aged 87IVF Team on the run for Mother’s Day ClassicState-of-the-art Fertility Clinic Opens in BundooraFamily on IceIVF Treatment in BundooraIVF Lab Delivers new TechnologyStudents Gain Unique Insight Into IVFDr Google Creating Added StressGet Fertility Fit – 10 Tips for you and Your PartnerEAT at Dan & Steph’sIVF Clinics all Offer the Same Thing, Don't They?Our Liverpool Clinic has 5 Reasons to CheerFibroids and Fertility: What the Diagnosis MeansFertility Tests: When to go for a Fertility CheckInfertility – Could the Male be the Cause?Secondary InfertilityInternational Lesbian Day - BrisbaneAustralia Setting World Benchmark in IVF SafetyCoping with the Festive Season and InfertilityAre you Considering Fertility Treatment?Curious About your Fertility?Curious About how to Stay Fertility Fit?Learning the Language of FertilityMKR's Dan and Steph's Little PrincessHow to Find out if Your Eggs are Running outLesbian Parenting: Fertility Treatment OptionsBreakthrough in IVF TechnologyUnderstanding the IVF ProcessNew IVF Method Helps Superior Sperm 'win'Healthy Sperm ChecklistOh Baby, what a Celebration!Frozen Embryos: Know the FactsFacts About MiscarriageUnderstanding Weight and FertilityLesbian Couples and ParenthoodCould Your Weight be Affecting Your Fertility?Trouble Trying for Baby No. 2?Mind, Body, Spirit Festival - MelbourneUnderstanding the two-week Wait in IVFGold Coast Let's Have a ChatAdelaide Let's Have a ChatInfo Booth at the Midsumma FestivalExplore the possibilities to parenthood in 2016Brisbane Let's Have a ChatFertility Options for Single WomenMind, Body, Spirit Festival - BrisbaneWhat Women Want Expo - Join us this weekendEndometriosis: Questions AnsweredSydney - Join us at the Wellness ShowMelbourne Join us at the Diversity ExpoBrisbane Let's Have a ChatVisit us at Arndale Shopping Centre - AdelaideDr Wilkinson Makes an Appearance on the #RHOMelbournePositive Mind Body Program - BrisbaneVisit us at the Australian Surrogacy ConferenceMaking The Patient The PriorityPositive Mind Body Program - AdelaideFertility Myths and MisconceptionsVisit us at Orion Springfield CentralFirst Fertility Consultation: 5 Things to DiscussMale Infertility: Causes and TreatmentsPositive Mind Body Program - BrisbaneIVF and Genetic TestingMeet our team at the Brisbane India Day FairImportance of Dad's Health for Healthy BabiesSouth Australian Patients Please be ReassuredEgg Freezing: is it Right for you?Infertility and Relationships: Essential TipsTaking Care of YourselfThe Best of 2016Sync Your Mind for Fertility - BrisbaneReady to help at RobinaPCOS: Key Things to KnowUnderstanding the Menstrual Cycle: Top Five FactsAn all too Commonly Ignored Women's Health IssuePerfect Chance for a ChatSeeking Fertility Help Does not Always Mean IVFPower of PositivityUnderstanding the Steps of IVFHow to Increase Fertility for MenWhen to see a Fertility SpecialistThe Impact of Age and Weight on FertilityMale Age an Important Factor in Pregnancy SuccessFertility Fact or Fiction?Trying for Baby No.2, but it's just not Happening?Fit and Healthy for FertilityThe Waiting GameWhen to Consider Genetic Testing During an IVF cycle?Fertility Options for Going SoloPartnership with CHA Healthcare and Singapore Medical GroupFertility Specialist Answers Common IVF QuestionsUnderstanding Human EggsSimple Steps to Boost Your FertilityMark the Date for Mt OmmaneyCalming the Mind During Fertility TreatmentFertility Treatment Taking Longer Than Hoped? Tips for Moving ForwardWho Should Consider Testing Their Egg Reserve?Infertility Facts and StatsWhat to do when having a baby on your ownMaximising Chances of Pregnancy Through Genetic TestingFrozen embryos: know the factsHominax Sperm Health StudyGet to Know Dr Rozeena MusaAre you hoping to have a baby this Chinese New Year?Show your fertility some loveCelebrating 50 years of IVFGet to know Dr Lauren SaundersEndometriosis Q&A with Dr Lisa HarrisGetting to know Dr Lisa HarrisMaximising your chances of pregnancy during fertility treatmentIUI and IVF: What’s the difference?Launching our dedicated egg freezing service-ChillICSI - A beginners guideVictorian ART amendments make it fairerAnswers to your top 4 egg freezing questionsHow does genetic testing of embryos help achieve a pregnancy?An Insight into Male Fertility TestingAnnouncing the opening of City Fertility Sydney CBDAn insight into City Fertility Sydney CBDKnow the facts: Fresh versus Frozen Embryo TransfersEgg freezing: Know where you are today with your fertilityQ&A with the powerhouse specialist Dr Devora LiebermanMiscarriages: When to take investigations further?Improve your fertility in 2020Tips for a healthy pregnancyFinancial options to help make fertility treatment affordableVictorian government looking to remove police checks for ART servicesInspiring quotes from public figures who struggled with infertilityMotherhood todayInternational Women's Day: Modern Fertility medicine empowers womenCelebrating the Hindu Holi festival when pregnantBoosting chances of success with latest lab technologiesFertility Society of Australia - important announcementWe are here for you: No question too big or too smallIVF treatment to recommence across AustraliaThe future is starting to look brighter and so can your parenthood dreamsCity Fertility Sydney CBD welcomes talented new specialists to the teamGood odds for second IVF baby successImportant announcement for Victorian patientsInfertility is not just a female issueGet your fertility tested in NSW and claim your rebate nowEasier access to Assisted Reproductive Treatment for all VictoriansSo exactly what does an embryologist do?What to do if you are struggling with your fertility?As a single woman, has the pandemic got you thinking about your fertility too?Donor Eggs available now with no waiting periods (QLD & NSW only)Even more solutions available to support you during your IVF journeyHow to Increase Your Fertility NaturallyWill the Chinese Year of the Ox be your lucky year for a baby?Find A Sperm Donor Online with the Addam AppOne of Australia’s leading fertility experts Professor William Ledger joins City Fertility teamIs there a link between endometriosis and fertility?Why fertility awareness education in Australia should be mandatoryCity Fertility Newstead opens: Delivering fertility care like never beforeGet to know one of Australia’s leading fertility expertsInternational Nurses' Day - A voice to leadMeet us at the MindBodySpirit Festival in SydneyChemicals could be ruining men's chances of parenthoodHow men can optimise their fertility: 5 key factors to considerWhen am I most fertile?City Fertility Notting Hill Now OpenGenetic embryo testing helping reduce hereditary diseases in newbornsQuick thinking friend helps create baby joy for Ellidy after partner ‘Chumpy’s’ sudden passingCity Fertility would like to warmly welcome Dr Stephen Elgey to our Gold Coast clinicFathers' Day - Making plans to be a dadWomen's Health Week: Focusing on female infertilityKnow the facts about the AMH test in assessing your egg reserveWhy Women Deserve More Than ‘Just Try Again’ After MiscarriagesDr Tiarna Ernst joins the City Fertility TeamWhy is the menstrual cycle so important to fertility?2021 Out Leadership SummitFemale reproductive health to benefit from new research partnership between UNSW and City FertilityBaby Logan is City Fertility Sydney CBD’s 150th success storyCity Fertility Toowoomba Now OpenCity Fertility wishes you peace, joy and harmonyReflect, set, go: Kicking your 2022 fertility goalsCity Fertility Now in PerthYear of the Tiger: babies expected to be courageous and activeWe are proud to announce the opening of our custom-built IVF laboratory in Miranda.Eeve Donor Bank: The one stop solution for egg donor recipientsInclusive Fertility Care: HWEI Bronze Service ProviderCity Fertility Now in PerthCity Fertility is pleased to partner with leading researchers on Australia-first treatmentCity Fertility is proud to partner with Swimming AustraliaWorld First IVF Research in PerthThe talent behind the microscopeNSW IVF RebateLong-term effects of IVF on children's healthIntroducing the Ignite Athlete Female Health and Wellbeing programCity Fertility now in Southport, Gold CoastCity Fertility Gregory Hills Now OpenProtecting your precious gametes and embryosNew Medicare Rebate for Genetic Carrier ScreeningCity Fertility specialists lead the industry in female infertility researchShould you be taking supplements for IVF?Embracing the Year of the Dragon: Fertility and Conception Tips for 2024Over 35 and want to have children? Fertility expert reveals the tests you should not delayBirth Rates and Fertility Challenges: A Conversation with Professor William Ledger on SBS InsightAustralia's First Women's Life Cycle SummitDemystifying Adenomyosis: Symptoms, diagnosis & treatmentDay in the Life: Experiencing City Fertility Patient ServicesTwo Nurses, One Mission: Making Dreams a Reality at City FertilityFinding Your Ideal Sperm Donor with Addam Donor BankFertility Myths DebunkedHow Healthy Habits Can Enhance Your SpermExpert IVF & Fertility Care You Can TrustAir Pollution Linked to a Decrease in IVF Birth Rate SuccessPassion and Precision in EmbryologyMelbourne City Welcomes Renowned Fertility Specialists Dr Hossam Elzeiny and A/Prof Wan Tinn Teh to the TeamCity Fertility Steps In to Assist Couple Scammed Out of $100K in Life Savings Begin Their Fertility JourneyYour Guide to Ovarian Reserve: What it means and why it mattersCity Fertility Melbourne City Opens: Elevating Fertility Care with Trust and ExpertiseDoes Endometriosis Affect Fertility?ClinicsBundooraBundooraMirandaUpper Mt GravattSt KildaSunnybankSunnybankSunnybankSunnybankSunnybankGreenslopesSydney CBD IVF and Fertility ClinicMirandaSydney CBDEast BrisbaneNewtownSydneyLiverpoolToowoomba IVF and Fertility ClinicEast ToowoombaSydney CBDSydney CBDLismoreLismore IVF and Fertility ClinicSydney CBDNorth LakesMelbourne Notting Hill IVF and fertility clinicNotting HillNotting HillNotting HillRobinaPerth Claremont IVF and fertility clinicPerth Applecross IVF and Fertility ClinicEast ToowoombaApplecrossClaremontNewsteadEast MelbourneGold Coast Southport IVF and fertility clinicFrenchs ForestEast MelbourneGold Coast SouthportClaremont | Telehealth OnlyGregory Hills IVF and Fertility ClinicGregory HillsGregory HillsFitzroySt LeonardsChatswoodEast ToowoombaManly ValeNorth LakesMelbourne Werribee IVF and Fertility ClinicWerribeeCarlton IVF and Fertility ClinicWilliamstown IVF and Fertility ClinicThe Ponds IVF and Fertility ClinicTugunVictoria Parade IVF and Fertility ClinicBox HillClayton IVF and Fertility ClinicNewtown IVF and Fertility ClinicBundallBowralBowral IVF and Fertility ClinicWantirnaBrisbaneLiverpoolSydney Miranda IVF and Fertility ClinicBenowaMcKinnonNorth LakesMelbourneNewsteadSunnybankSunnybankSunnybankEast MelbourneMelbourne CityBundooraTugunRobinaBenowaSunnybankSpring HillBrisbaneAuchenflowerBrisbane IVF and Fertility ClinicBrisbane Southside IVF and fertility clinicGold Coast Robina IVF and Fertility ClinicMelbourne City IVF and Fertility ClinicBundoora IVF and Fertility ClinicSydney Liverpool IVF and fertility clinicSydney Miranda IVF and fertility clinicStaffSarah ReidMartine EdwardsElise AtkinsonClaire HallDr Alwyn DunnDr Shree (Rajashree) ManeDr Andy StamatiouDr Graham TroncDr Philip HallMichelle BeardChanel KeaneDr Monique CohenkaMichelle MannJan SeeleySusan PrinceNarelle DicksonDr Geoff TruemanDr Heng TangDr Jenny HoDr Mahomed KhatreeDr Neil AstillDr Neroli NgendaDr Peng NgDr Sharon LiDr Peter FungDr Alex EskanderDr Anne PolinessDr David WilkinsonDr Roshan ShamonFiona FerrierDr Vadim MirmilsteinDr Georgiana TangDr Stephen ElgeyDr Suzan ElharmeelDr Pooi Leng LeeDr Andrew ZuschmannDr Vidhya GuptaDr Vincent LohDr Rozeena MusaDr Matthew LauDr Lauren SaundersDr Mei Lin TanCathy DavidDavid SchweitzerAdnan CatakovicDr Helen PericDr Devora LiebermanDr Dean ConradDr Naz Syed NohDr Natasha AndreadisA/Prof Michael Cooper | OAMDr Lanziz HomarDr Gary BrownProfessor William LedgerDr Tiarna ErnstDr Meghan StaffordDr Mary TiffinDr Sarah Bell-AllenDr Anthony CerquiDr Eleanor EganDr Doreen YeapDr Wei-Ying ChuaDr Jennifer PontréDr Shital JulaniaAssociate Professor Krish KarthigasuDr Roger PerkinsDr Linda WongDr John LoveDr Mike AitkenProfessor Roger HartDr Chris NicholsDr Ben KamienDr Ashley MakepeaceDr Alisha McCreeryDr Gagandeep (Gagan) KaurDr John NegriDr Pregs PillayAssociate Professor David GreeningEmma-Grace ArmitageDr Kaushalya ArulpragasamDr Helen MoonenClare O'RourkeDr Boski ShahMelissa BauntonDr Kent LinDr Hamon NgAssociate Professor Bronwyn DevineDr Bernadette McElhinneyEllie BrooksNatalie WeberDr Donna GriffithsAlix GibsonDr Tasveer SinghDr Hossam ElzeinyAssociate Professor Wan Tinn TehDr Katherine SteadDr Dulanthi TudaweDr Lael PauloNicole WimmerDr Mariam ChaalanDr Ashwini Margale
Preferred Location*BowralBrisbane CityBrisbane SouthsideGold Coast RobinaGold Coast SouthportLismoreMelbourne CityMelbourne BundooraMelbourne Notting HillMelbourne WerribeePerth ApplecrossPerth ClaremontSydney CBDSydney Gregory HillsSydney LiverpoolSydney MirandaSydney NewtownToowoomba
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