How to Increase Your Fertility Naturally
Are you wondering how to increase your fertility and boost your chances of getting pregnant? City Fertility’s experts have many simple yet effective habits to improve your fertility naturally as well as pitfalls to avoid. Whether you’re just starting your journey to parenthood or have been trying for a while, these tips from our fertility specialists can help optimise your reproductive health and increase your chances of conceiving.
Understanding your menstrual cycle and the timing of ovulation can greatly improve your chances of conception and help you feel more in control. It’s important to know when you ovulate because it identifies what we call your ‘fertility window’ and the best time to have sex.
Ovulation is when an egg is released from the ovary during a woman’s menstrual cycle. For most women with a regular 28-day cycle, ovulation typically occurs around day 14, but this timing can vary from person to person. Days 12-16 of a 28-day cycle, is when the egg is moving down the fallopian tube, awaiting fertilisation.
Our City Fertility specialists recommend:
- Have intercourse every other day during your fertile window (e.g., day 1, day 3, day 5, etc.) to ensure sperm is present around ovulation without the need for daily intercourse.
- Not limiting intercourse to only the fertile window, as sperm can survive for several days in the female reproductive tract.
- While timing is important, excessive focus on scheduling can lead to stress. Try to maintain a relaxed and natural approach to intimacy.
For more information about ovulation and your fertile window go to Understanding the Fertility Window | City Fertility
Lifestyle changes to increase fertility
If you are planning to start a family, start with planning a healthier lifestyle. You can boost your fertility with some simple lifestyle changes and the good news is that these changes are something you can have control over.
We asked some of our fertility specialists for their top tips for people trying to conceive, and here are some of their expert tips:
Foods that increase fertility
Some people may wonder why diet is so important to fertility and it’s because it directly impacts hormone balance, ovulation, egg quality, sperm health and overall reproductive health, meaning that a poor diet can disrupt these processes and negatively affect a person’s ability to conceive. While a balanced, nutrient-rich diet can support healthy fertility by providing the necessary building blocks for hormones and reproductive organs.
Do your best to reduce discretionary items such as refined sugars (e.g. cakes, candy, soft drinks), saturated fats (e.g. fatty meats, heavy creams, deep-fried fast food), and processed foods (e.g. bacon, deli meats, pastries). Instead, eat plenty of lean protein (e.g. lean meats, fish, eggs, tofu), and fruits and vegetables in every colour of the rainbow. These foods are rich in iron, zinc, and vitamins B and C, all of which are vital for fertility.
Exercise, weight and improved fertility
Maintaining a healthy weight and engaging in regular, moderate exercise can positively impact fertility. Being overweight or underweight can make conception more difficult as it can cause hormonal imbalances and interfere with your menstrual cycle and ovulation. Our City Fertility specialists recommend 30 minutes of moderate exercise at least three times per week. You don’t need excessive, high intensity workouts – walking, swimming, yoga and strength training are all great options.
The impact of stress on fertility
As fertility specialists, we understand how stressful and difficult fertility struggles are. Research shows that women under stress produce prolactin which can interfere with regular ovulation. Whilst the process of trying to conceive can be stressful, implementing techniques to minimise stress is very important. Our fertility specialists suggest these stress-reduction techniques:
- Practice mindfulness meditation or yoga.
- Engage in relaxing activities such as reading, getting out in nature or taking a warm bath.
- Consider counseling or support groups if you’re experiencing fertility-related stress.
Remember, managing stress is not only beneficial for conception but also for your overall wellbeing during your fertility journey.
Ejaculation Frequency and fertility
There is a common misconception that if you “save it up” and don’t ejaculate until ovulation then you will have more sperm and achieve fertilisation. This is not the case. If you “save it up” the sperm becomes sluggish and are prone to DNA damage. It’s best to ejaculate regularly to keep the sperm healthy and motile. For optimal results, try to ejaculate every 2 days, especially when your partner is ovulating.
We’re often asked, “Can you ejaculate too much?” In most cases, ejaculating daily will not cause a problem for most men. While the quantity may be slightly lower, the quality won’t change.
Supplements that can help boost fertility
Preconception nutritional supplements can support fertility by addressing nutritional deficiencies, balancing hormones and supporting reproductive health. It is always best to consult a fertility specialist or dietician to ensure you are choosing the right supplements.
We recommend that women take folic acid and antioxidants at least one month before conceiving, and men take zinc and antioxidants for testosterone and semen production.
Quality sleep can improve fertility
Quality sleep is often overlooked but plays an important role in the ability to conceive. Good sleep habits can help regulate hormones, reduce stress, and improve overall reproductive health. When trying to conceive we recommend you aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night, take a break from screens at least one hour before bed and maintain a consistent sleep schedule.
What age are you most fertile?
It’s no secret that fertility declines with age. Unlike lifestyle factors that you control, ageing is a factor we can’t control. A woman’s peak fertility age is 24 and her fertility declines with age, with a sharper drop after 35 years. As fertility specialists our biggest tips are:
1) Start trying to conceive earlier rather than later to improve your chances of conception.
2) If you’re over 35 years and having trouble conceiving, seek advice sooner rather than later with a specialist appointment.
3) If you are in your early 30’s and now is not the right time to start a family due to your work commitments, social situation or relationship status, consider egg freezing.
Effects of caffeine, smoking, drinking and environmental toxins on reproductive health
In our modern world we are all faced with a wide variety of environmental toxins on a daily basis and unfortunately both male and female fertility can be impacted by toxins.
Aside from the long term-health risks, smoking and vaping are one of the biggest lifestyle factors that can negatively affect fertility. It has been shown to increase the risk of miscarriage, and premature birth and low birth weight, as well as reduce sperm count and quality. Our specialists recommend that when trying to conceive that alcohol should be eliminated or atleast reduced and recreational drugs should be completely avoided.
Pollutants, pesticides and toxins can cause DNA damage to sperm which may affect embryo development, reduce implantation and increase the risk of miscarriage. It’s advisable to eliminate or take safety measures with toxins where possible. If you work with paints, diesel fumes or pesticides, to name a few, you need to be using protective face masks etc. Try to use natural cleaning products and personal care items, avoid plastics containing BPA and where possible choose organic produce. By reducing your exposure to harmful chemicals, you can create a more fertility-friendly environment for your body.
Trusted help with City Fertility when you need it
There is a lot you can do to improve your fertility, but when the time comes to seek expert advice, City Fertility have a team of experts to help make your dreams come true. Don’t wait too long before seeking expert advice. If you’ve been trying to conceive for more than 12 months (or 6 months if you’re over 35) we recommend you see a specialist. An initial consultation with fertility tests can give you peace of mind or help you to decide to start fertility treatment. Remember, seeking help early can significantly improve your chances of a successful pregnancy.