City Fertility applauds the new reforms/legislation that remove the need for Victorians to undergo police and child protection order checks before undergoing Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) services in Victoria.
Mr Adnan Catakovic, CEO, City Fertility said these checks, which only applied in Victoria, caused unnecessary delays, cost and distress to patients.
“Often patients who are seeking advice for fertility matters are already under a great deal of stress, these police checks only added to that pressure,” Mr Catakovic said.
“This new legislation brings Victoria into line with the rest of the nation which is fair and equitable and we thank the Victorian government for that,” he said.
The change will mean that couples and individuals will have quicker access to the treatment they need to grow their family.
The checks were among the most common issues raised through Victoria’s landmark independent review of assisted reproductive treatment conducted by Michael Gorton AM, with many patients describing them as unfair, humiliating and a cause of distress.
Further consultation with police, clinics, the regulator and advocates revealed the checks were discriminatory and unnecessary.
All Assisted Reproductive Treatment clinics will still need to ensure the welfare and best interests of the child to be born are paramount when deciding to treat a woman.
Whilst this is good news for Victorians, the bill still needs to pass through parliament for approval before the changes can take effect. Therefore, all police and child protection checks will still be required to be provided, until further notice.
If you have any questions or would like further information, please call our Fertility Advice Team on the details provided below.
Phone: 1300 354 354
Email: contactus@cityfertility.com.au
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