Falling pregnant is different for everyone, just like securing the perfect job, or finding the right partner, it seems many things in life, including conceiving, happen differently for everyone. We are all unique and statistically one in six couples will find it difficult to conceive.
If you feel you are struggling to conceive, there is hope and many options available to you. Here are a few tips on things to consider that may help you achieve your dream sooner rather than later.
Check your lifestyle
Did you know there are several lifestyle factors that can influence and help maximise your chance of conception? Some of these factors include:
- Maintaining a healthy weight and BMI (not doing so can sometimes cause hormonal imbalances)
- Exercising and eating well. A balanced diet and 30 minutes of mild to moderate exercise every day is all it takes.
- Minimise stress levels
- Quit smoking and any recreational drugs
- Limit caffeine and alcohol intake
- Take the recommended pre-pregnancy vitamin supplements especially folic acid
- Minimise exposure to environmental toxins. If you work around toxins (e.g. paint, diesel fumes or pesticides) wear protective equipment.
Know your fertility window
Understanding your body’s cycle and recognising the signs of ovulation, is an important step in the conception process. The days leading up to ovulation are the most fertile ones in a woman’s menstrual cycle. This corresponds with the second week and the beginning of the third, in a 28-day cycle. During this time, the egg is moving down the fallopian tube, waiting to be fertilised. Therefore, intercourse before ovulation is more likely to result in pregnancy than at or after ovulation, as the sperm are ready and waiting for the egg.
The egg can survive for 12 hours post-ovulation, while sperm are able to survive and fertilise an egg for two days in good condition in the fallopian tubes.
To calculate your “fertile window”, you need to determine what day you ovulate. To do this, you need to know the length of your menstrual cycle (which can vary from 23 to 35 days or longer). To work this out, count the number of days from the first day of your last period to the first day of bleeding in your next one. Subtract 14 days from the end of your current cycle to determine the day you ovulate.
Watch Dr Anne Poliness’ videos for further advice.
Please note: This video may not be copied or used, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of City Fertility © 2016.
Seek help when ready?
If you have not achieved a pregnancy after a year (or after six months if you are over 35 years) of unprotected intercourse, or if you feel something is not quite right, you should seek medical advice from your GP or a specialist.
There are also other instances where you might want to seek earlier fertility advice. These include: early menopause, polycystic ovaries, irregular or non-existent menstruation, past history of endometriosis, when either you are or your partner is a current or past cancer patient or when the male partner has had a vasectomy.
Infertility affects men and women. It results from a male factor in about 30% of cases, a female factor in 30% and both male and female factors in 30% of instances. About 10% of infertility problems remain unexplained even after complete medical evaluations.
While experiencing fertility issues can be a devastating experience, the good news is there are several treatment options available. For more information visit contact our friendly staff on 1300 354 354.